Bergaus & Stottok Academic Consulting was established by Dr. Martin Bergaus and Dr. Bernd O. Stottok in 2017. The founders have accrued years of experience with relevant references in the fields of applied science, research, business development, project and process consulting, sales, and strategy within Information Technology, Electrical and Power Engineering, and railway transportation technology, all pertaining to business and socio-technical questions. Both Drs’. Bergaus and Stottok are certified, operating independently through their consulting services, focusing entirely on the success of their clients.

Research and Applied Sciences are both creative and intellectually enjoyable activities, which Dr. Bergaus and Dr. Stottok feel, develop individual, satisfactory solutions of scientific problems, regarding any concerns of their client and which can be used to facilitate the client, achieve positive results and bring their client’s projects to fruition.

Bergaus & Stottok Academic Consulting strives to attain a sustainable client bases working for their continuing success, thus providing only durable solutions. As your consultants, Dr. Bergaus and Dr. Stottok work long-term, within the realm of science and research, building a strong foundation of trust with their clients along the way.