Investigation of Design Issues for Service Delivery Platforms
Incorporate User Experience: A Grounded Theory Study of Individual User Needs
Publishing Year: 2015, ISBN: 978-3-658-10540-2, Springer Vieweg.
Incorporating Systematic Business Planning for a New Venture
Practical start-up application focussing on manufacturing an innovative product supporting wine consumption
Publishing Year: 2015, ISBN: 978-3-639-78825-9, Akademikerverlag.
Verbesserter Nutzen von Telematiksystemen im Schienenverkehr
Einsatz innovativer Service-Delivery-Plattformen zur Unterstützung von Eisenbahnfahrzeugführern – Forschungsstudie
Published together with Bernd O. Stottok, year of publication: 2014, ISBN: 978-3-639-72350-2, Akademikerverlag.
Business Winery goes to Business and Consumer
Start-up planning for a new venture that focuses on the manufacturing of an innovative product supporting wine consumption
Publishing Year: 2009, ISBN: 978-3-639-14147-4, VDM Verlag.
Paper ‘The EMPLIT (EMPirical and LITerature-based Research Framework)’
published at the 14th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies 2015, 11-12 June, University of Malta, Valletta, Malta.
PhD Thesis ‘Investigation of Design Issues for Service-Delivery-Platforms: An Analysis of Individual User Needs’
published to obtain PhD in Computing and Creative Technologies 2013, Faculty of Arts Environment and Technology, Leeds Beckett University, UK.
Paper ‘Validation of Grounded Theory Based Data by Means of Analytical Mapping Techniques’
published together with Mr. Bernd O. Stottok and Mrs. Andrea, Gorra at the 11th European Conference on research Methodology for Business and Management Studies 2012, 28-29 June, University of Bolton, UK.
Paper ‘Colour Coding: an Alternative to Analyse Empirical Data via Grounded Theory’
published together with Mr. Bernd O. Stottok and Mrs. Andrea Gorra at the 10th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies 2011, 20-21 June, Normandy Business School Caen, France.
Master Thesis ‘Verbesserter Nutzen von Telematiksystemen im Schienenverkehr durch Bereitstellung innovativer Service-Delivery-Plattformen’ ‘Improving the Benefit of Rail Telematics Systems by Delivering Innovative Service Delivery Platforms’ (only available in German)
published together with Mr. Bernd O. Stottok to obtain Master of Science in Applied Science and Research 2010, Department of Interactive Media and Education Technologies, Danube University Krems.
Paper ‘Information Roaming in Interoperable Networks’
published in Research in progress papers 2007, Leeds Metropolitan University
Paper ‘Architecture Model for a Service Delivery Platform supporting mobile distributed services in interoperability networks shown by the example of mixed reality applications’
published in research in progress papers 2006, Leeds Metropolitan University