2006 – 2014

Qualitative studies analysing user views in terms of the design, development and the implementation of Service Delivery Platforms regarding Information Systems Research referring to different focus groups.

2007 – 2010

Qualitative study, to improve the benefits of rail traffic telematics systems, using innovative service delivery platforms.

2005 – 2006

IST SPICE (Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment) project: EU research project of the 6th Framework Program. This project addressed the technical feasibility of service delivery platforms for mobile service creation and execution under B3G networks. Within this European funded research project leading European Telecommunications providers, ICT companies and universities worked alongside one another. This project was part of the WWI (Wireless World Initiative).

2000 – 2001

Design and implementation of a mobile ATM card on a Palm PDA iPaq and using XML / SOA Technology.